Be careful with your ice rods and tend to them obsessively, for every ice trip I've had a savvy fish steal an ice rod down the hole while tending to another hook up! Not all is lost when this happens, often quick reactions can recovery the ice rod and along with the savvy fish. Get to the hole quickly and stare down to see if you can locate the shiny reel in the vegetation. If so, drill a hole directly above your lost ice reel and use another rod to snag either the bale on the reel, the line, or the rod itself. Slowly reel in your stolen ice rod so you don’t lose the savvy fish that stole it to begin with and teach that fish a lesson, no free meals here. If you are unable to locate your shiny reel then quickly drop another line down the hole you lost your ice rod and see if you can snag the line with the fish on it. Often the stolen ice rod will sink to the bottom and the fish will swim in circles around the lost ice rod. With another line down the hole, there is a chance the savvy fish could swim right into your free line and you can recovery your stolen ice rod with the fish still attached. If these two methods fail, then start drilling holes in a radius around the hole the ice rod was stolen and continue the described recovery techniques above. This method works best in shallow water and the faster you can react the better likelihood of recovering your stolen ice rod.
Thanks for Reading and Check Out an Example of Ice Rod Recovery in the Pic Below!